parts cleaner中文什么意思

发音:   用"parts cleaner"造句
  • part:    n. 1.部分,一部分;局部 (op ...
  • cleaner:    n. 1.清洁工人;(干洗)洗衣工人 ...
  • the cleaner:    杀手莱昂; 杀手里昂; 这个杀手不太 ...
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  1. Precision parts cleaning
  2. A natural extension of parts cleaning is sub assembly work with the cleaned parts . this minimizes contamination , maximizing production and reduces cost
  3. For general cleaning , dilute in a ratio of 1 part cleaner to 3 parts water . for really dirty jobs or special cleaning treatments , dilute in a ratio of 1 to 2 or even 1 to 1
    只需以1 : 3比例稀释,便可应付一般清洁用途。如需大量清洁或处理难洗污渍,可以1 : 2或1 : 1比例稀释。
  4. Pr - 3z - js series moving machines advanced processes , operate and reliable , and is widely used for electroplating industries semiconductor , liquid crystal glass , and other industries using pure ideal for parts cleaning equipment
  5. It heals and soothes while you sleep , in case of trouble in breaking wind , assists nature in the most formidable way , insuring instant relief in discharge of gases , keeping parts clean and free natural action , an initial outlay of 7 6 making anew man of you and life worth living


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